Saturday, January 12, 2013

Whanganui River 2013

A group of ten of us spent a week traveling via five canoes through Whanganui National Park. Jenine did a fantastic job of planning the whole thing, including meal plans, purchasing the food, sorting out who was going to do what, when and where, as well as acting as general tour guide. Thank you!!!
In spite of it raining almost constantly (in a severe drought year) the entire week (which you don't see in the photos because the camera was stowed away from the rain), we had wonderful time, thanks to spectacular natural beauty and exceptionally good company. Putting up the tent in the rain, cooking in the rain, eating in the rain, sleeping in wet cloths, breaking camp in the rain, paddling in the rain - it was more than worth it (although Emily may disagree :-)). The spooky mist shrouded cliffs and numerous waterfalls only come with the rain. 

Photos here:

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