Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Largest Living Creatures on Earth

1 October 2011

Broke camp a bit after first light and headed for General Sherman, the largest tree on Earth. It lives amongst a grove of other giant sequoia trees, and it is a humbling experience to walk amongst them. Once again it is impossible for photos to convey a proper sense of scale of these magnificent ancient living creatures, but I have to take them anyway.

From General Sherman I headed north to General Grant, the sequoia with the largest girth. It also is surrounded by siblings of similar nobility and they are magnificent to behold. The photos give only a hint of what it is really like.

From General Grant I headed south on 245, another of those ultimate motorcycle roads that twists through forest to Sisters Mountain House, a popular biker watering hole. From Sisters Mountain House I continued south on Dry Creek Drive, a very rural farm service road that winds through golden ranch lands to 198 where I headed east to my motel in Three Rivers. It was a good day of awesome magnificent trees and very enjoyable and engaging roads that motorcyclists love to ride, and i am smiling.

Americana for the day: fried Spam


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