29 July 2011
Blatted westward across Wyoming today, keeping to the back roads and loving it. My proclivity for back roads served me well today as I encountered the most stunning scenery perhaps of my life. I took Alt-14 up the eastern side of the Big Horn mountains. Here is a tip for you motorcycle riders that I developed years ago in Arkansas: When you get stuck in a parade following some super slow asshole who won't pull over and let people pass, find a place to pull over, preferably where you can see or hear what is coming from a long ways behind you, stretch your legs, have a drink or a snack. When you see or hear the next vehicle coming it will be the next leader of a parade, so take off just before they reach you. I did this today and had open road in front of me for the rest of the mountain crossing.
The real magic happened on Alt-14 heading down the mountain into Lovell. It was as if crossing the mountain had transported me to Mars and I was looking down on if from ten thousand feet. The photos, as usual, don't begin to convey the drama of this scenery.
My favorite book so far this year is “Where Rivers Change Direction”, by Mark Spragg. It is set near Cody, Wyoming, where I am writing this from, and being here has brought the impact of the book more alive for me. It is a beautifully written book and I highly recommend it.
Tomorrow I start exploring Yellowstone Park and will likely not have internet access for a few days, so blog updates will be delayed.
Americana for the day: a full jug of maple syrup on the breakfast table, for me to do with as I please, for no extra charge.
Photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/T.Micheal.Young/USA201102