Monday, September 12, 2011

Black Canyon, Sand Dunes

12 September 2011

Have a lot of ground to cover today so up with the sun and once again climbing up to over eight thousand feet to Black Canyon National Park. This a land of vertigo where the swift raging Gunnison river has carved out a deep steep canyon. I rode all along the south rim and down to the valley floor to Crystal Dam. Have a look at the photos to get the whole story.

Next stop is Great Sand Dunes National Park, several hours riding away. I took 50 east through Morrow Point Reservoir and Blue Mesa Reservoir. Then it was 149 south to South Fork, passing through the high altitude town of Lake City and over several high country passes. At South Fork it was east to Monte Vista and Alamosa then into Great Sand Dunes National Park.

Once again, the visitors center was very informative and interesting and provided a much richer appreciation for the dunes. I roamed around the park for a couple of hours then continued on east to Walsenburg, taking I25 north to Colorado Springs where the bike is booked to have another mileage interval service done tomorrow.

I found a room in Colorado Springs right on full dark, found some yummy takeway orange chicken, worked on some emails, then crashed exhausted and smiling from another great 13 hour in the saddle day.

Americana for the day: Kentucky bumper sticker: Coal Keeps the Lights On


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